About Me

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Lansing, Michigan, United States
I am a Lansing townie, lawyer, and restaurant reviewer for the City Pulse. I love traveling, reading, yoga, and baking, but my favorite hobby is stuffing my face.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Easter Vigil picnic

I love Easter Vigil mass. I love the ceremony of it, sitting in a darkened church, lit only with candles. I love the incense, the incantations. I love watching the new Catholics as they are baptized, but what I love the most is the Communion of Saints. Last year, when I sponsored a girlfriend of mine in her conversion to Catholicism, our much-adored Father Mark described this as the point in the mass when we call on all of the saints and ask them to be with us as we observe our sacred rituals. It spoke to me.

After Easter Vigil mass in 2013, I decided that that was the Easter mass for me. Regardless of the length (three hours), I would observe Easter on Saturday night. I don't know how, but I convinced Mr. Wonderful to go with me. Maybe it was the promise of chocolate eggs and hot cross buns on Easter morning.

Mini Cadbury creme eggs, a souvenir from England.

The boyfriend picked up a six-pack of HCBs from Roma Bakery. They made an excellent snack with my coffee.
Before we headed for church that evening, I put together an Easter picnic. We had a Gala apple, drizzled with local honey. Maureen Abood's lamb lollipops with fresh mint sauce. Pretzel crisps and garlicky hummus. Grilled whole wheat naan bread, rubbed with garlic and topped with chopped parsley. Thick slices of blue cheese. And roasted asparagus wrapped in prosciutto.

It was a beautiful meal. It was a beautiful mass and a much-appreciated time for quiet reflection. I'll be there next year, hopefully with Mr. Hot Cross Buns himself holding my hand through the Lord's Prayer.

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